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"As I have wandered around Jakarta's streets taking pictures, I have grown very attached to the city. She has taken my heart 

and made me look sideways at things. I wanted to create a body of work which explores Jakartas more vulnerable side, the side

which gets over looked. The Big Durian is not the most loved city.  She struggles and buckles under the weight of rapid development. 

She is sinking unceremoniously in dirty flood waters. She is constantly choking on carbon dioxide and break fluid. 

She has forgotten, unloved areas, which have not been touched or embraced for years. People pass by her without a kind word 

or smile and like us,I feel she gets caught up in the frustrations, feelings of vulnerability, anger, loneliness and sheer hugeness of 

being who she is. Some days it seems amazing to me that she continues against it all."


Fist Exhibition of the Series/ Jacks Labs Gallery / Jakarta -2014


Radio interview:





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